Posted by: Ticktock | April 4, 2008

Pro-Vaccine Blogger Dragged Into Court

What happens when you blog about the vaccine controversy? 

Nothing, unless you’re Kathleen Seidel, a blogger for, who was recently sent a subpoena by Clifford Shoemaker, a trial lawyer representing Lisa and Seth Sykes.  The Sykes are suing the Bayer company for causing their child’s autism by adding mercury to vaccines.

What can be so bad about Kathleen’s blog?  Well, if you use your imagination, you can picture “Big Pharma” funding the blog to squash opposition of their poisonous vaccines.  Needless to say, Mr. Shoemaker has a big imagination.  Mostly her blog post does a good job of pointing out how parasitic Shoemaker is to the people he represents against the vaccine court, and how he made half a million dollars on cases which he failed to win for the most part.

 Check out the things this lawyer is requesting from somebody who has nothing to do with the case:

 9. The subpoena commands production of “all documents pertaining to the setup, financing, running, research, maintaining the website” – including but not limited to material mentioning the plaintiffs – and the names of all persons “helping, paying or facilitating in any fashion” my endeavors. The subpoena demands bank statements, cancelled checks, donation records, tax returns, Freedom of Information Act requests, LexisNexis® and PACER usage records. The subpoena demands copies of all of my communications concerning any issue which is included on my website, including communications with representatives of the federal government, the pharmaceutical industry, advocacy groups, non-governmental organizations, political action groups, profit or non-profit entities, journals, editorial boards, scientific boards, academic boards, medical licensing boards, any “religious groups (Muslim or otherwise), or individuals with religious affiliations,” and any other “concerned individuals.”

Is he going to go after me now?  I’m so scared!  Go to Pure Pedantry for more info.


  1. Thanks for commenting on this.

    I am one of the 100+ bloggers mentioned in item 5 of the subpoena.

    I am keeping a running list of responses to the Seidel subpoena at I Speak of Dreams. I’ve added your blog.

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